Painting came as a natural extension of everything I do. I paint because I love colour and light and find inspiration in the outdoors .... and in the living things around me that are part of my life.
I live in West London and in Cornwall and both places inspire me and influence everything I do. Whether I am creating a painting or working in ceramics it is always the colours and materials around me that influence my work. Some of these, like sand, wallpapers and bits from the beach often find their way into my paintings. I love the richness of working oils on canvas but equally enjoy working across lots of mediums to create my own interpretation of what I see.
My palate are the colours of nature. I work and continually experiment in new areas. Sometimes it’s just the simple tools of beach driftwood and pebbles that allow me to create the beginnings of an idea but it is the light and life of Cornwall which has influenced me since childhood.
I don’t know what brings it all together. Maybe it’s both the complexity and yet the simplicity of shape and lines, light and dark, sun and shade that works best for me.
I have studied Graphic Design and Ceramics and work in Interior Design. However I am a self taught artist influenced by the skill and tenacity of artists such as Matisse, Picasso and Chagall and their expertise with colour, form and innovation.